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Coach Guide


Sending Messages to Your Team Roster

1. Sign in to your Sport Ngin account through the Fusion Soccer website or stay "logged in” (will not require username and password to access each time) and then if you click the direct link it will open straight to your account using saved link


2. Choose Fusion Rec from the left menu (see arrow in snap-shot)

3. You should now see drop down buttons for the different age groups and from each specific age group there are drop downs to the teams within that age group

Click to select your team

4. Once you reach your team's page, an Edit/User lightswitch will appear in the top right.  Click that button to enter Edit Mode

5. Click the small rectangular Admin button that now appears once you are in Edit mode.  A menu will drop down from that button, then choose the Groups option (see right top arrowsin snapshot)


6. You will see a list of the members included within your team's roster.  Choose the Messages tab (left arrow) above that list, then click the button to Send Message to Group (center arrow)

7. Choose whether to send your message to all the members of your roster or just to specific members

Viewing Your Roster Players' Registration Data

1. Sign in to your Sport Ngin account through the Fusion Soccer website or stay logged in and click link to go straight to your account using saved link


2. Click the yellow triangular Admin Control Panel button in the top right corner to leave the team profile home page

3. Choose the Registration tab and click it, (1st red arrow in snapshoot) then it will display a bolded phrase that includes "Player Registrations" and the current season that is in play - click that word grouping under the title: Registration name (2nd arrow in snapshoot)

4. Select the Saved Reports tab (2nd tab in center-1st arrow in snapshot) and the list of forming teams for the current season will appear at the lower half of the page (2nd arrow in snapshoot) choose your team name from the list of reports, if you do not know your team name find your age group and click through the teams to find the team that has your registered player included in the roster listing information 

Once you click on your team name you can view, print or export the contact and registration details for each of your players from the list of options on the right side. WARNING - the "delete report" button is directly under the "export to excel" button and if you delete the saved report you will have to create a new report manually through the fields selection and store it - the three black buttons in the center of the team page report "Updates" should be avoided as well, unless you have deleted the original saved report and in that case it will have to be recreated - your presaved report can be erased. Please note the bar along the bottom will scroll horizontally and view additional information fields that may extend beyond the frame  

You may also send a message out to the players from this screen or export the information into an Excel spreadsheet if you would like
(be careful to hit the correct icon) or print it in landscape orientation mode on your printer settings (may have to adjust information boxes' size or remove unwanted fields within open Excel sheet to fit within one page)